You are invited to attend:
A Groundbreaking Personal Experience!
In 3 Days Move Through Chaos To Certainty.
FRIDAY, JUNE 26 - 28, 2020
From 8:00 AM To 4:00 PM (PST)
From the Comfort of Your Own Home!
Turn Health Into Wealth, Achieve Financial Security
and Energizing Results For Yourself, Your Family, and Your Community
Over 15,000 Two-Hour Sessions Successfully Delivered Worldwide
CEO at Liberating Lifestyles™
Founder of The Anti-Burnout-System™
Co-Founder of Systemic Business Design™
We're LIVE In…
Did you know Mindset is only one half of the solution, …what if the other is under your nose already?
Be in control achieving security and certainty for you and your loved ones. Financially and emotionally.
So you can feel powerful and free within the community you live in.

Hi, I'm Uwe Dockhorn and I want you to join…
this groundbreaking 3-Day Virtual Life Experience so you can learn how a dentist, was able to almost triple his revenues and to be precise he went from $80,000 to $190,000.
And his wife started a second career which also brings in additional income and security but most importantly control, freedom, and certainty to their family.
That’s why I created Lift-Off Live for you AND your family.
Lift-Off Live is for high achievers like you AND
your VIP - your Very Important Partner.
Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It Is To…
- Fight chaos fatigue and find peace,
- Crack the code for a rock-solid future,
- Stop chaos, and start certainty,
- Turn health into wealth, and…
- Find community in the new normal to do this…together!
So You Can Lift-Off With Energizing Results.
Truth is Mindset Techniques are only 50 % of the solution.
Walk away with the secrets of how to…
- Get access to the other half and create a safe and healthy future for your business and family
without burning out. - Identify the #1 thing stopping you from achieving Energizing Results.
- Connect on a deeper level with your loved ones and the community you live in.
And we will have something we call Goosebumpshacking.
You definitely don’t want to miss that.
Make sure you're not and join us.
The Secrets of a Liberating Lifestyle™ will save your life.
Not just your life but also the lives of those around you that you love.
The Guests You Will Remember

Melanie Gow
In some worlds, Melanie Gow is known as a Brand Story and Performance Coach, in her world she believes she makes Legends.

Ridgely Goldsborough
Ridgely believes in clarity coming from communication, emotional intelligence, and understanding the biology of the brain.

Teresa Alesch
From cancer to performance coach, Teresa helps survivors take their stand with the Life After Cancer Blueprint to break free and feel like themselves again.

Judy Copenbarger
Profoundly caring and money guide, Judy Copenbarger, JD, CFP®, AIF® counsels, patiently teaches, and finally brings Money Truth into the lives of families forever.

Stefan Pirnbacher
After two Burnouts he realized that his family is the most important thing in life. As Business Mentor, he now helps families to find freedom with their own family business.

Melanie Palomares, M.D., M.S.
Affectionately known as Dr. Mel, She practices preventative oncology and the care of healthy patients at risk for cancer and cancer survivors at risk for new cancers.

Catherine Rocheleau
As a leadership expert working with corporations, governments, the public sector, and nonprofits, Catherine also specializes in improving team dynamics for small to medium-sized companies.

Sherry Fetzer
Women’s wellness coach, podcaster, and pleasure advocate, Sherry supports women in designing vibrant healthy lives around their deepest pleasures and desires.

Denise Thomas
"College doesn't have to be a Debt Sentence!" says Denise. Parents hire her to put their kids through college debt-free so they can live the life of their dreams.

Jonathan Bengel
Jonathan Bengel, EA,CTC,CTP, Fellow of NTPI, M.Ed, is the founder of JB Financial LLC, Naked Tax Talk LLC, and Naked Tax University. Happy Financial Success.

Tony Guarnaccia
Tony has helped thousands of businesses survive crises so they can navigate the uncertainties and emerge stronger on the other side. His mission now is: Democratize Marketing.

Sabine Nagl
Structure meets creativity, as a naturopath Sabine helps her clients and patients to create tangible solution paths that last physically, mentally, and spiritually.
And you, you're the VIPs,
the Very Important Partners…
…of such a high achiever and you want to stop putting yourself at the end of your priority list or having the feeling of falling behind.
You’ve heard too often something along the lines “Oh, you’re the spouse of Dr. Such-and-such, nice to meet you, …too!”
And you politely smile but secretly you quiver.
You worry people won’t like “the real” You. You wonder if you’re even qualified to become known, visible, or stand out in your industry or in your career from home.
I hear you!
I knew I was meant for more and I didn't believe in certainty. Uncertainty - better known as chaos - was my life. All I ever wanted was to have answers to 3 simple questions:
- Who am I?
- What do I love to do?
- Why am I here?
I've been there too. That’s over now!

This Event Guarantees To Create Neverending Impact
By Liberating Your Lifestyle
The Lift-Off 3-Day LIVE Event will help you to reclaim your independence, upgrade your lifestyle, and create the legacy you want to be known for.
In three steps:

What is Missing in Your Life?
Clear the fog and numbness to help you bring clarity and harness the power within this pause.

What’s At Stake If Nothing Changes?
Leave fear behind as you accelerate toward your mission to share your message with the world.

Imagine What Is Possible?
Move forward with more meaning and refreshed purpose to leave your legacy in your community.
What Lift-Off LIVE does for you is to…
>>> Get all the necessary tools to change your life, the safety of your family, and your place in your community <<<
>>> Prepare you for change when the moment of choice is in front of you so you can avoid the fear of change. <<<
>>> Course-correct your future so you can be more aligned to what feels true to you. <<<
Walk Away With Your ONE Sentence
That Has The Power To Guide Your Future

Dr. Werner Krings (Germany) – Author, International Keynote Speaker & Thought Leader in B2B-Business Excellence
"Mr. Uwe Dockhorn is an Executive Coach and Lifestyle Liberator, whose approach has a substantial impact on the personal and business life of his clients. I was very impressed with Uwe's enthusiasm and keen insights he can deliver within a short time.
His differentiator is to provide cutting-edge advice in his analysis for private and business clients, for example, the Meditech environment. Mr. Dockhorn develops leaders towards overcoming any road-blocks towards a balance of business and personal objectives. Thereby, he applies a comprehensive, iterative discovery process identifying specific root causes for particular behaviors and reconnecting clients to their inner core to adjust them to their targeted ultimate objective in the here and now.
I can heartily recommend Mr. Dockhorn to a variety of personal and business clients since he brings coaching fundaments like credibility, trust, and analytical listening skills coupled with innovative models, and solid business understanding resulting in fast and sustainable changes."

Tara Gesling (USA) - FDN-P, CINC, AADP - Functional Nutrition Practitioner
"I recently had the opportunity to work with Uwe Dockhorn through one of his business coaching programs. For many years I had wanted to accelerate my business, but there was always something holding me back… I had an idea of what it might be, but hadn’t been able to fully change it at the deepest levels.
I’m so glad I met and took the time to work with Uwe, because he was able to help me discover and confirm what was holding me back and then process it in a way that no one else has. He walked me through his process, step by step. It was very effective and I always felt comfortable. I am happy to say that I am now beginning to experience a re-set and an expansion in my business. It couldn’t have come at a better time!
Thank you Uwe, you have a gift that will help so many. I will definitely recommend you and your program to others!"

Stefan Pirnbacher (Austria) - MBA - Business Mentor
“I was totally dissatisfied with my professional situation. My 2 Burnouts showed me that I was running in the wrong direction. I was trapped in my mind thinking that I should be the best and climb the career ladder as fast as possible.
At first, after my second Burnout, I still tried to help myself, which was so typical of me handling things. But I was not successful.
Uwe, you helped me and I realized that my mindset had an effect not only on my work but also to my whole life. Today I work again in the same job as before my Burnout, but I have a completely different attitude to it. Uwe supported me to have more success in the job but to work less, gain more money, and to find out what is really important to me in life: Me and my family. I now make my decisions independently and without afterthoughts, and as a result, I am profoundly content.
And the most beautiful thing is that I can be sure not to get another Burnout because I only do what is good for me and that I genuinely love, whether on the job or in my spare time.“
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